


砂岩浮雕背景墙 与 风水学
作者:管理员    发布于:2015-04-24 23:57:19    文字:【】【】【
Sandstone relief wall and Feng Shui is what kind of relationship? How to sandstone backdrop of Feng Shui? So today let Gold Orchid grass sandstone relief, and everyone together to talk about how to use sandstone relief to decorate the home feng shui.

Feng Shui is a Ancient Chinese Literature Search in our country, all by the astrotech students four images, four images and gossip, this is all we Chinese the ancients left to Feng shui. In the decoration market, Feng Shui is also more and more be fancy, with more decoration Feng Shui is confirmed by science, now if you don't understand some Feng Shui really can not say that you are engaged in the decoration.

装饰风水学中客厅的布局尤为重要,而客厅空间最好是正方形或者长方形的,具体客厅的摆放要根据所处的地理位置和自然环境来做设计分析。在风水学中,乌龟象征着长寿,鲤鱼象征着年年有余,绿竹象征着节节攀升,葡萄象征着香火长延,多子多孙,等等等。而又因为 中西文化的差异致使在家庭装修方面也有很多不同。
The layout of the living room decoration Feng Shui is particularly important, and the living room space is the best square or rectangular, the living room should be placed according to the geographical location and natural environment to do design analysis. In Feng Shui, the turtle is a symbol of longevity, carp is a symbol of May there be surpluses every year, bamboo is a symbol of climbing, grape symbolizes the incense long delay, fertility, and so on. And because of the differences between Chinese and Western culture which is decorated in the family also has a lot of different.

Such as sandstone relief wall position of the living room decoration or decoration design has the very big difference, pay attention to feng shui home decoration layout, a very simple example of a relief placement is a great deal of attention, a successful home decoration and layout can affect a family of good and bad fortune in the cause of health, and even affect family harmony.

Gold Orchid grass sandstone relief, sandstone relief wall at the same time, will be tailored to customers the right position, the perfect combination of traditional culture and fengshui, and bring the decoration effect for you to let your prosperity of family harmony!

If you also want to learn more knowledge of sandstone, sandstone, please pay attention to our Gold Orchid grass to you every day in the update.




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