


作者:管理员    发布于:2015-05-05 08:36:42    文字:【】【】【


    Relief stone art background wall and what is the difference? Has what characteristic? Recently there are some side of the industry and foreign friends are asking, what is the background and the art of stone? Maybe they are outsiders, so the question is a bit low, but very real. But regardless of industry or industry abroad, we cam Ranh grass sandstone relief will make no exception to the answer to the question.




    Scale art background wall is a new kind of inorganic composite materials, is used to present to the art of wall building materials. Today let Gold Orchid grass relief and the vast majority of both inside and outside the industry friends to spread the problem. Now the background wall the whole production process has no pollution, no radiation. It belongs to the low carbon environmental protection green building materials and pure. Series of products using inorganic composite materials, and through the national environmental protection class B certification, stone raw materials are from non radiative surface ore. And not only so, Gold Orchid grass sandstone and tell everyone the background wall with its environmental innovation, breathing air, fire proof and no radiation, no emissions of toxic substances, so it can be completely assured of radiation, material characteristics and rich texture, artistic effect is prominent. In addition to its own environmental art materials, stone products, production process and production. Environmental protection, material production technology of environmental protection, so that the art of stone products from a stand on a new level。


    金兰草砂岩浮雕表示目前标尺艺术石以墙面创意石材为主, 这个现代人都热衷的产品特有的质感和艺术气质在当下建材业界具有一定特色。艺术石系列产品属于一种全新的低碳环保的绿色建材,金兰草砂岩浮雕提醒大家这原料均来自无辐射的地表矿石,不同质地、色泽的石料粉碎后重新搭配组合,不仅如此在以后还经过复合高压一次成型, 再以手工进行抛光、打磨等后期加工, 最终呈现我们眼前这一片片绚丽多姿的石材,美丽漂亮。无论是狂野的动物皮草、清新的植物编织、抽象的皱褶纸纹,还是现代派的金属鸟巢,每一条纹路、每一根皱褶、每一道起伏,都可以假乱真。标尺艺术石拥有斑斓的色彩:娇柔的红、清新的绿、明朗的蓝、优雅的灰,还有冷冽的金属色等等。

    Gold Orchid grass sandstone relief said the current ruler art stone to stone unique creative wall, are keen to the modern product quality and artistic characteristic in the building materials industry. Green building materials, stone art series belong to a new low carbon environmental protection, Gold Orchid grass sandstone relief to remind everyone that raw materials are from non radiative surface ore, different texture, color stone crushing re combination, not only that in the future through the composite high pressure molding, and then using manual polishing, grinding etc. post processing, the final presentation in front of us this piece of colorful stone, beautiful. Whether it is the wild animal fur, the fresh plant weaving, abstract fold paper pattern, or modern metal bird's nest, each lines, each fold, every fall, can be deceptive. Scale art stone has beautiful color: red, delicate and fresh green, bright blue, elegant gray, and the cold metal color and so on.



    Above is the Gold Orchid grass sandstone relief to parse and bring you, if you need more sandstone relief or murals, we can call at any time, or log on to our website, there are more and more professional analysis for all doubts.








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