


作者:管理员    发布于:2015-05-10 11:28:25    文字:【】【】【


    FRP relief is a relief of the type of product, has the advantages of light weight, corrosion resistance, relatively low cost characteristics. As for the advantages of glass and steel relief have? [Henan aurum-o grass relief design Engineering Company Limited] with you a look at it.





    Glass embossed steel is a good corrosion-resistant materials, have better resistance to air, water and the concentration of acid, alkali, salt and a variety of oils and solvents. Has been applied to all aspects of chemical corrosion, carbon steel, stainless steel, is being replaced by wood, non-ferrous metals. Glass embossed steel is an excellent insulating material, used in the manufacture of insulator. Can still protect the good dielectric properties at high frequency. Microwave through the good, has been widely used in radar radome. Embossed glass steel of low thermal conductivity, excellent thermal insulation material is. In the case of instantaneous high temperature, thermal protection is the ideal and ablative material, can protect the spacecraft under the high-speed airflow in 2000 degrees Celsius above erosion.


    Zhengzhou glass embossed steel design, according to the shape of the product, technical requirements, purpose and quantity to flexibly choose molding process. The process is simple, can be a molding, the economic effect is prominent, especially for complex shape, easy forming a small number of products, technology and its superiority is more prominent. Excellent glass embossed steel process, according to the shape of the product, technical requirements, purpose and quantity to flexibly choose molding process. The process is simple, can be a molding, the economic effect is prominent, especially for complex shape, easy forming a small number of products, technology and its superiority is more prominent.


    The glass steel factory -- Henan aurum-o relief [grass relief design Engineering Company Limited], focus on FRP relief design customized for many years, one of the central region is the biggest and the most professional, the most responsible glass embossed steel company, the original design, customization, focus on steel and glass carving, we are more professional.


    In the glass embossed steel is more and more recognized, more and more popular decoration like today, glass steel relief is more and more toward the fine art, the price of civilians, development. Glass embossed steel used in various aspects of landscape decoration, in every place is the focus. Is a symbol of art and culture, it is the whole space Punchline.


    More and more popular in relief decoration today, Gold Orchid grass relief company will carry forward the art relief will ride the wind and waves. Guaranteed: the same quality we most [] the same price cheap; we Wumart []. Let every customer to enjoy "high quality and inexpensive" premium service.






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 工厂地址:郑州中国。郑州市 科学大道与淮阳路交汇北500米路东。


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