


作者:管理员    发布于:2015-05-11 08:36:00    文字:【】【】【

    The sandstone relief culture you Zheng Dong? Today, we share with you is a sandstone relief cultural knowledge.

    Life there are many sandstone products, so come very naturally, sandstone relief culture is around us, the more sandstone relief products, such as domestic large real estate Stars Hotel, large garden, villa art decoration works of art, which is cultural sandstone relief? Continue to look down.

    Understand people know sandstone relief sculpture and other art culture in different culture, special carving culture can not only reflect its extensive social customs, nature, life, philosophy, culture and ideas, but also in the way in which it is presented has its unique style. It is a kind of cultural carrier, or a kind of static culture dance. The properties determined by engraved.

    我们用稍微美妙一点的语言来描述:这些旋律,有的激越,有的深沉,有的热情,有的理智,有的色彩缤纷,有的本色自然,构成一部无与伦比的摄人心魄的中国雕刻文化大型交响乐曲! 雕刻的产生和发展与人类的生产活动紧密相关,同时又受到各个时代宗教、哲学等社会意识形态的直接影响。传统的观念认为雕塑是静态的、可视的、可触的三维物体,通过雕塑诉诸视觉的空间形象来反映现实,因而被认为是最典型的造型艺术、静态艺术和空间艺术。
    We use a slightly wonderful language to describe these melodies, some more, some deep, some passion, some reason, some colourful, some natural color, form a unique charming Chinese carving culture large symphony! Is closely related to the occurrence and development of carving and human production activities, at the same time directly affected by various religious, philosophical and social ideology. The traditional concept of sculpture is static, visible and touchable three-dimensional objects, through sculpture visual space image to reflect the reality, which is considered the most typical of other static art, art and space art.

    Sandstone relief culture, it embodies the creators of emotion, touch with perfume, retained earth creator's hand in the artistic image, the performance of the national culture, a figure sculpture or city carved a narrative story, showing a broad social life picture, recording Yunyunzhongsheng joys and sorrows. Want to know more friends are welcome to continue to explore exchanges with us.

    We will provide regular sandstone product information to everyone, let everyone know more about sandstone related products, but also the way to understand the situation of the our corporation, let you buy our products to buy the rest assured that with the peace of mind!




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