


作者:管理员    发布于:2015-05-12 08:52:36    文字:【】【】【




    City sculpture and city can refer to each other, Sun Zhenhua first talked about, appreciation of sculpture is to read some story reading City, city is a very important experience, our perception of the city.


    City sculpture and the city what is the relationship? "I think it is actually refer to each other, each other, often can take some interest in sculpture, we are the city's hobby, people's taste and so on, through the sculpture show. We used to say that when there is a relationship between the sculpture and the spirit of the city often speak relatively empty, but if we go deep into the interior of a city into the internal space, some sculpture, understand some of its story, you will find that in fact these things in a city is not accidental, it is a reason."


    Sun Zhenhua spoke of "XD" story. He said, to do sculpture after the establishment of the SAR, the first thought is the ROC and lotus, but ultimately felt pioneers very representative, we will speak to the spirit of the past old cattle, inherited the tradition, and pioneers can represent the first batch of Shenzhen builders, also represents many of the early open open concept for example, you can clear the old concept of cattle.


    Why the "pioneers" into the "ox"? Of course, to establish "the wasteland, but after the opening 'wasteland' cattle do? Its advanced nature reflected? Think it over and over again decided to change called 'Ru Ziniu', 'Ru Ziniu' because there was an old story 'head bowed as Ru Ziniu', although you open up wasteland mission accomplished, but also continue to be put one's heart and soul into serving the people, the people of Ru Ziniu."





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