


作者:管理员    发布于:2015-05-20 07:55:06    文字:【】【】【




    Throughout the relief of Chinese city and it is formed gradually in the cultural posture of the open country, it is prosperous and rich culture of the city made a contribution to the era and gradually mature, the city relief since can gradually develop and mature must have his meaning.


    If a city compared to a person, then the "eyes" of the landscape relief is the city, because of the beautiful eyes is more vivid. Relief landscape is like the soul of the city relief, with his whole city relief is lifelike, give people the feeling kind, give people the visual enjoyment.


    City relief can not only transfer of people's attention, but also can relieve people's stress in addition? According to the investigation, the economic value of urban relief is immeasurable. Because urban relief often represents the of the city culture and city image, it should be said that from the visual space is a space for development.


    City landscape sculpture is a reflection of a country, a nation and a specific historical and regional. It embodies an important basis for the local people's social life and mental outlook; urban landscape, sculpture art, green ecology and people life, living environment is dissolved as a whole, echoed each other. "City construction not only can be used, easy to use, durable", "more care to see, beautiful, beautiful". This requires "comply with nature, respect the history, development characteristics, the overall design, perfect" the construction of urban environmental landscape concept.


    A symbol of urban relief a lot on behalf of the state, such as we are most familiar with the wall street bull, urban relief and relief of landscape complement each other, constitute the a pair of beautiful urban landscape relief map.


T    he company is the city Jinlan grass relief relief design company, professional attention to relief, so more professional. With the above content for Gold Orchid grass relief, I hope to help you.







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 工厂地址:郑州中国。郑州市 科学大道与淮阳路交汇北500米路东。


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