


作者:管理员    发布于:2015-08-17 11:23:07    文字:【】【】【


    When it comes to relief, had to trace the origin and development of bronze etc., as early as the late business is about between the 14th century BC to ad before 11 century, dating back 3000 years before the Shang King Wu for his wife women Jing casting with a huge bronze Ding.


    In 1939 in Henan Anyang Yin Ruins the late Shang Dynasty tomb was excavated, are now stored in the Chinese history museum. It is 1.33 meters high, weighing 875 kg weight, make the whole world with bronze all feel ashamed of one's inferiority.


    It is only 3000 years ago, in the very advanced technology and productivity. To the later period of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, with the kingship is Buddhism gradually recognized and support, a variety of Buddhist bronze statues, statues, etc. have emerged.


    The huge state machine set numerous talents to promote the prosperity of the bronze sculpture and brilliant. Ornamental decoration of small copper incense burner, small tripod, pagoda, bell etc. may be small to win feet, or is big to revered look up tons of a few meters.


    With the development of productive forces and gradually improve people's living standards improve and prosperity, and the popularity of Buddhism to Ji Fu thought. People of Buddha, copper censer used week gradually increased, also will drive the animal relief, embossed characters such as technical production process! Such as plastic statue dedicated to the worship of ancestors of the tablets.


    After thousands of years of exploration and development, and now, in addition to the precision of high-tech means. Innovation and production process of the bronze sculpture, can almost put animal sculpture to mix the spurious with the genuine point. The appearance of the viewers are true to life likeness of recollections of yearning in sculpture as the acme of perfection.






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