


作者:管理员    发布于:2015-08-31 10:28:38    文字:【】【】【

    With the development of the primitive society, Ding from the initial burning cook food cooking utensils and gradually evolved into a vessel, a symbol of wealth and power. The number of the tripod, reflecting the status of the high and low; Ding of the weight, the size of the power. In the Shang and Zhou dynasties, Chinese bronzes formed a unique style series: container, musical instruments, weapons, horses, etc..

    The bronze full of taotie design, combination of Kui or human and animal decorative design in a utensil, forming pattern of the gods, reflects the human to civilization, a transition from the original state of ignorance. The color of the bronze ware is very beautiful, is the golden yellow, because the soil in the soil to rust one point one points into a green. Due to the bronze is completely made by hand so that no any two things are the same, every piece is unique, unique in the world.

    鼎——是文明的见证,也是文化的载体。直到现在,中国人仍然有一种鼎崇拜的意识,“鼎”字也被赋予“显赫”、“ 尊贵”、“盛大”之意。如:鼎成龙升、夏鼎商彝、鸣钟食鼎、大名鼎鼎、一言九鼎、大名鼎鼎、鼎盛时期、鼎力相助等等,都不难看出人们对鼎的膜拜之情。乃至现代很多企业单位也纷纷以鼎字命名,以鼎的美好寓意融入其中。
    Ding - is the witness of civilization, but also the carrier of culture. Until now, the Chinese people still have a sense of worship of tripod, tripod word is also given a prominent, noble, grand of meaning. Such as Cheng Longsheng, Xiadingshangyi, Mingzhongshiding, famous, have kept their promises, the famous, the heyday, generous help and so on, it is not difficult to see that people's worship of Ding. And even the modern enterprise unit also have a tripod to name, with the tripod of the good meaning to integrate them.

    Since the Song Dynasty, the decoration is called the beast face pattern in Taotie inscribed in bronze tripod. The bridge of the nose to the center line, on both sides for the symmetrical arrangement, and the upper end of the first line is the angle, angle head, animal mask image more specific in the eye and eyebrow, on both sides of the objective to some have an ear, most animal motifs have varicose claw, on both sides is about to start the trunk or animal tail, a few simple form no beasts of the body or tail.

    All animal mask is shaped according to this model, just on the performance of the methods and skills, along with the development of the times.




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